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您当前的位置:首页 » 供应产品 » 温州汽摩配件 汽车电子调节器配件
温州汽摩配件 汽车电子调节器配件
产品: 已关注次数:6606温州汽摩配件 汽车电子调节器配件 
品牌: 新华
批发价: 面议
最小起订量: 20
供货总量: 615
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 1 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2016-11-29 09:42
  • 品牌新华
  • 型号XH-FLA032
  • 用途电子调节器外壳
瑞安塘下晓波汽摩配加工厂于201210月成功注册为瑞安市信美发电机配件研发有限公司。在此非常感谢一直以来鼎力支持我们的新老顾客。 谢谢您们!!!您的满意是我们永远的追求 瑞安市信美发电机配件研发有限公司是一家集模具设计、生产、销售与一体的综合性公司。公司专业生产制造汽车电子调节器外壳、点火器外壳、碳刷架、压铸铝、发电机后罩、发电机线圈架、发电机轴承套、整流器等系列产品。公司以先进的制造设备,专业的技术人才,高效的生产能力,不断创新的企业精神赢得市场和客户的一致好评。公司位于温州古塘河畔素有 汽摩配王国之称的瑞安市塘下镇,海陆空都十分便捷。信美公司竭诚期待您的 光顾。 有需要随时联系我们: 联系电话:0577-65361658 徐小姐 手机 :13806840136 朱经理 传真 :0577-65386159 QQ : 2625078610 网址 :.www.raxhzs.com 邮箱 :raxhzs@163.com Http://www.xbqmp.cn.alibaba.com 公司地址 :浙江省瑞安市塘下镇后朱村朱华中路18 Ruian Xiaobo Auto&Motorcyle Accessoires Factory (orginal name: Ruian Xinhua Electric Switch Parts Factory) is a comprehensive company which combines mould’s manufacturing, producing and marketing. Our company specializes in the production of various types of electronic regulator shell, ignition shell, generator back cover, generator coils frame, generator bearing sleeve, carbon brush frame, etc.. Our company win a high praise from market and customer with advanced production equipment, professional and technical talent, efficient production ability and innovative enterprise spirit. In addition, the company is located in Tangxia town of Ruian which beside Wenzhou ancient Tangehe and enjoy the “Auto and Motorcycle Accessories Kingdom” title. The traffic here is very convenient. Xinhua Factory sincerely look forward to your visit. 瑞安市塘下晓波汽摩配加工厂(原新华电器开关配件厂),是一家集模具制造,生产销售与一体的综合性公司。公司专业生产制造各种型号电子调节器外壳,点火器外壳,发电机后罩,发电机线圈架,发电机轴承套,碳刷架,注锌铝等系列产品。公司以先进的制造设备,专业的技术人才,高效的生产能力,不断创新的企业精神赢得市场和客户的一致好评。公司位于温州古塘河畔素有“汽摩配王国”之称的瑞安市塘下镇,海陆空都十分便捷。新华电器竭诚期待您的光顾。 Ruian Xiaobo Auto&Motorcyle Accessoires Factory (orginal name: Ruian Xinhua Electric Switch Parts Factory) is a comprehensive company which combines mould’s manufacturing, producing and marketing. Our company specializes in the production of various types of electronic regulator shell, ignition shell, generator back cover, generator coils frame, generator bearing sleeve, carbon brush frame, etc.. Our company win a high praise from market and customer with advanced production equipment, professional and technical talent, efficient production ability and innovative enterprise spirit. In addition, the company is located in Tangxia town of Ruian which beside Wenzhou ancient Tangehe and enjoy the “Auto and Motorcycle Accessories Kingdom” title. The traffic here is very convenient. Xinhua Factory sincerely look forward to your visit. 瑞安市塘下晓波汽摩配加工厂 Rui Anne City's pond next Xiao wave vapor Mo goes together with finished factory 地址:浙江省瑞安市塘下镇后朱村朱华路18号 P.C:325204 ADD:No.18 Zhuhuan road Tanxia town RuiAn City's pond in Zhejiang Pro. TEL:0086-0577-65361658 FAX:0086-0577-65386159 M.B.:013806840136 Hppt://www.raxhzs.com E-mail:raxhzs@163.com瑞安市塘下晓波汽摩配加工厂(原新华电器开关配件厂),是一家集模具制造,生产销售与一体的综合性公司。公司专业生产制造各种型号电子调节器外壳,点火器外壳,发电机后罩,发电机线圈架,发电机轴承套,碳刷架,注锌铝等系列产品。公司以先进的制造设备,专业的技术人才,高效的生产能力,不断创新的企业精神赢得市场和客户的一致好评。公司位于温州古塘河畔素有“汽摩配王国”之称的瑞安市塘下镇,海陆空都十分便捷。新华电器竭诚期待您的光顾。 Ruian Xiaobo Auto&Motorcyle Accessoires Factory (orginal name: Ruian Xinhua Electric Switch Parts Factory) is a comprehensive company which combines mould’s manufacturing, producing and marketing. Our company specializes in the production of various types of electronic regulator shell, ignition shell, generator back cover, generator coils frame, generator bearing sleeve, carbon brush frame, etc.. Our company win a high praise from market and customer with advanced production equipment, professional and technical talent, efficient production ability and innovative enterprise spirit. In addition, the company is located in Tangxia town of Ruian which beside Wenzhou ancient Tangehe and enjoy the “Auto and Motorcycle Accessories Kingdom” title. The traffic here is very convenient. Xinhua Factory sincerely look forward to your visit. 瑞安市塘下晓波汽摩配加工厂 Rui Anne City's pond next Xiao wave vapor Mo goes together with finished factory 地址:浙江省瑞安市塘下镇后朱村朱华路18号 P.C:325204 ADD:No.18 Zhuhuan road Tanxia town RuiAn City's pond in Zhejiang Pro. TEL:0086-0577-65361658 FAX:0086-0577-65386159 M.B.:013806840136 Hppt://www.raxhzs.com E-mail:raxhzs@163.com
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